Psalms 53:2-3 God looks down from heaven on the entire human race; he looks to see if there is even one with real understanding, one who seeks for God.  But no, all have turned away from God; all have become corrupt. No one does good, not even one!

When something is scarce, it is uncommon, rare, difficult to find, or insufficient to meet demand. Scarcity does not imply nonexistence. In the early days of the covid-19 pandemic, personal protection equipment was on scarcity. Today we are looking at one attribute that has become rare for God to find among humanity.

We are not privileged to know the world's population as, at the time, God gave this insight to David concerning the state of humanity, that no one had understanding nor were there seekers of God. All God could find were people who had turned from Him and had become very corrupt. Today the world's population is about seven billion-plus; when God looks down from heaven, what will he find? If our saying the fewer, the merrier is true; then probably God has even stopped looking down from heaven. May God have mercy on us.

Having understanding is to seek and do good. Nothing more, nothing less. With all your achievements, accolades, and laurels, you would be ranked in the category of fools if you do not recognise God in your lifetime. Good is derived from God. Without God, the only alphabet left is "O" which represents "options" all that you claim as suitable needs in your eyes are options of corruption and wickedness in the sight of God.  Psalm 53 ends this way: Oh, that salvation would come from Mount Zion to rescue Israel! For when God restores his people, Jacob will shout with joy, and Israel will rejoice. Through Christ Jesus, the issue of scarcity of goodness has been resolved. He was the one men looked upon and called Good Shepherd. He has abundant life to give to all. When God looks down from heaven, He will identify you as that one person who seeks Him and does good because you believe in Jesus Christ. John 10:10b-11a I have come that they may have life and that they may have it more abundantly. “I am the good shepherd."

Prayer: Lord Jesus Christ, without you, God can never see me as a good person. Jesus, I believe in you as the custodian of all goodness. Take away my evil deeds and give me your goodness in your name, I pray. Amen.

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