Psalms 48:14 For that is what God is like. He is our God forever and ever, and he will be our guide until we die.

Marital vows end with the statement till death do us apart. No relationship on earth promises a forever journey. Our parent who brought us here on earth die and leave us behind; sometimes, parent also loses their children to death. There are friends and schoolmates you have never met after school. Whatever you are holding unto, whether natural or artificial, will day one part ways with you.
There is only one eternal being; He is Supreme to all others. The promise of a lasting relationship lies with Him only. Do a quick check in your life, see how many family members have left you already, look at your photo album and compare it with your current wardrobe and see how many clothes are gone, and check your school background and the number of former schools you can count. What of your job? How many former working places can you count?
Beloved Jesus Christ is the same today, yesterday, and forever. Our relationship status with God does not change. You can have a former boss, former school, former work, etc., but never have a former God. It is what it is. He is our God forever and ever, and he will be our guide until we die and continue to be our God in the age to come.

Prayer: My everlasting father, I thank you for a relationship that does not swing. I Am blessed to have you as my God now and forever. Praise be to your name, my eternal hope in Jesus' name. Amen.

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