Acts 14:6 When the apostles learned of it, they fled to the region of Lycaonia—to the towns of Lystra and Derbe and the surrounding area.

"He who runs lives to fight another day" should not bring under pressure to fight every battle. Beloved there are battles you have to retreat from and fight another day and is okay. That does not make you a coward but a wise man. You have should choose your battles wisely. Paul said I have fought a good fight which means there are bad fights and you must avoid those. After Paul and his team had finished preaching in Iconium with great signs, miracles and wonders following, others who did not believe and wanted to stone them to death.

When they heard of it they fled from that community.  Acts 14:6-7 They became aware of it and fled to Lystra and Derbe, cities of Lycaonia, and to the surrounding region. When they fled from Iconium to other towns, over there too they continued to preach the gospel. Paul was an Apostle of Jesus Christ who lived his life constantly under death threats. He knew he was going to die eventually for Christ's sake yet he was careful to live out His life's assignment before that time came.

We would have missed out on two-thirds on the bible if Paul had insisted on staying in certain Hostile environments when they threatened to kill him. He fled from danger to live and fight another day. His epistles live on to fight his battles in the Lord. Many have foolishly and carelessly lost their lives in the process of fighting battles they should have run from.
Beloved the same thing you are doing in a place where your life is in danger you can move to another place and do it without stress. Why endanger your life?
Unless the Lord has spoken to you, move away from any life-threatening situation.

Even Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour fled many times from death scenes before He went to the cross eventually. At least eight times in the Gospel accounts, people tried to seize Jesus and kill Him because of something He did or said but He fled. Are you wiser than Jesus Christ?  Luke 4:29-30 When they heard that, they were filled with rage and drove Jesus out of town. They tried to throw Him off a cliff, but Jesus passed through the crowd and left. Don't let anyone cut short your life assignment. It is better to flee and live a purpose-driven life than to die in the process of fighting to live out your purpose. Choose your battles wisely.

Prayer: Holy Spirit show me the way of escape in any situation that threatens my life and want to cut short your purpose for my life in Jesus' name. Amen.

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