Isaiah 27:6 The time is coming when my people will take root. Israel will bud and blossom and fill the whole earth with her fruit!

We are all blessed with the gift of time as humans. Twenty hours a day apply to all people. One thing we share in common as humans is time. In as much as time is a common factor to all people, there is a different denominator to each individual's time. We all don't do the same things nor do we work at the same pace within the given twenty- hours. We work within time with different itineraries and eventualities of life. Others are in time, others have lived their time and some are yet to experience time. There is no uniformity among humans, but we have is unity. All our body parts, whether internal or external are different in size, shape, appearance and function yet they are united in one body. God did not create all of us to operate within the same time frame. That is why God stepped to differentiate between times so we can appreciate time better. We have human time and we have God's time. Human time is what we put on our walls, on our wrists and phones, they are the alarms we set for ourselves. And we have labelled them in seconds, minutes and hours. Many people and potentials have been killed and limited by human timing. Time reveals winners and losers, successes and failures, the fast and slow and so on. Human timing put people under pressure now or never.

But the other time, which is God’s timing is not measured by seconds, minutes or hours. It is measured by God's purpose and assignment for every individual's life. God's time has an ingredient called patience. It allows you to go through the process till you are perfect for the Master's use. Look at Abraham, Moses, Hannah, Apostle Paul, Ruth and Naomi and many great Bible characters, human timing would have whistled them out and disqualified them for greatness but the timing of God prepared and qualified them for greatness. Don't allow human timing to determine the outcome of your life: subscribe to God’s timing and allow Him to have His ways in you, for in His time He makes all things beautiful. Hebrews 6:12 We do not want you to become lazy, but to imitate those who through faith and patience inherit what has been promised.

Prayer: Lord Jesus Christ I subscribe to your timing. Holy Spirit fill my life with the fruit of patience that I allow God's perfect will to manifest in my life to your glory in Jesus' name. Amen

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