Isaiah 24:13-14 Throughout the earth the story is the same—like the stray olives left on the tree or the few grapes left on the vine after harvest, only a remnant is left.  But all who are left will shout and sing for joy. Those in the west will praise the Lord's majesty.

The whole chapter of Isaiah twenty-four talks about the destruction of the earth and all the negative things that will happen. He was clear about the fact that whatever was happening is going to be global. Isaiah 24:13a Throughout the earth the story is the same. The story of hikes in fuel prices, economic recession, scarcity and many more is the same everywhere. But in all these God kept a remnant. Beloved, you will survive in this season. You won't go down as things around you are going down. You will stand tall above every situation. As remnants, there is a way God expects us to behave differently from the world. When others are complaining, cursing leadership, passing derogatory comments, giving up and saying things are not well. God expects His remnants to be a people of praise.
Isaiah 24:14-16 But all who are left will shout and sing for joy. Those in the west will praise the Lord's Majesty. In eastern lands, give glory to the Lord. In the coastlands of the sea, praise the name of the Lord, the God of Israel. Listen to them as they sing to the Lord from the ends of the earth. Hear them singing praises to the Righteous One!

God's way of delivering us from economic hardship is not through complaints but by praise and giving glory to His name. God hates complaining and murmuring. The children of Israel faced His wrath for much complaining. The Apostles of Jesus Christ had an understanding of God in this way. Paul and Silas praised God while in prison. When Paul was in prison he wrote; rejoice and again I say rejoice. What moves God to act on our behalf in difficult times is not our complaints but praise and worship to Him. In the midst of all that is happening around praise God, sing unto the Lord a new song, give glory to His name, and give shouts of praise to Jesus Christ. This attitude is not for everyone, is for believers and remnants.
We don't join the world to complain but we join in praise, we join in worship and prayer as we do this God will arise and shift the economies of our nations and our lives will be better. Let the remnants, let believers, let the church of the Living God arise in praise and honour of the Righteous One Jesus Christ in this season.

Prayer: Jesus Christ we praise you, we honour your living name. From the ends of the earth, we proclaim you to be Lord over all nations. Be magnified and exalted among the people. Amen

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