Isaiah 28:9-10 They say, "Who does the Lord think we are? Why does he speak to us like this? Are we little children, barely old enough to talk? He tells us everything over and over again, a line at a time, in very simple words!"

Today we are going to look at the faustration of maturing in God. It is one of the subjects Jesus Christ touched during His life on earth and is a basic doctrine of our faith. Beloved it matter how long you have known God or walk with Him. The longevity of the service of God or relationship with Him does not change status with God. You do not grow to become grandmother or father, papa, mama, uncle, aunty or anything of God. Button line you are still His servant and a child of God. Your spiritual growth and deeper realms of operation does not change status with God, child of God. The term child of God is fading out very fast from the body of Christ. Everyone is gradually getting a tittle. From the on set of our faith to reaching higher heights is acknowledging the fact that we are God's Children. When you read the earlier verses in our text for today the priests and prophets of God in Isaiah's time were not happy about how God communicates to them, they felt God was treating them as children. Hear them speak: He tells us everything over and over again, a line at a time, in very simple words!"

Some maturing believers and ministers of God has become like these prophets and priests. They think the words of the Bible is to simple for them to heed to, they are waiting for spectacular visions and encounter for them to believe God is talking, how sad it is. If you can't hear and obey God from His word forget about any spectacular encounter, it will never happen. It is by the childhood process birth thus being born again that we are saved, receive and see the kingdom of God. Matthew 18:3 and said, “Assuredly, I say to you, unless you are converted and become as little children, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven. Jesus knew that maturity in Him has the tendency of making people forget they are children of God.
In heaven one of God's Children Lucifers fell in error and lost his place, when Jesus came on earth the son's of Zebebee: James and John went to Jesus Christ asking to sit at His right hand and left hand on the throne of God in heaven, they want to dethrone the God head. That is why Jesus took His time to talk on this subject. No matter how you grow in God, do not lose sight on the fact that you are a child and a servant of God.

Prayer: Lord Jesus Christ I am still your child, am weak but you are strong, over shadow me with your love and continue to grace me with the spirit of humility. Am forever your child in Jesus' name. Amen.

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