1Samuel 6:20 And the people of Beth Shemesh asked, "Who can stand in the presence of the LORD, this holy God? To whom will the ark go up from here?"

The ark of the Lord was the most sacred possession for the people of Israel and it was kept in the Holy of Holies. If not properly handled it can be a snare unto the people incurring the wrath of God. The presence of God is with a person. The meaning of Abinadad the man whom the ark was sent to is God is willing. God is willing that humanity comes into his presence without fear. That is why He made Jesus carry the sin of humanity died on the cross made from the tree from which the ark was made from. The same wooden structure that only a few people were privilege to behold when Christ was hanged on qualified many to come into God's presence. So on the cross when Jesus gave us his ghost the Holiest place had the curtains torn from button to down and the ark was visible for all to Behold. Christ has qualified us all to come to the Father through Him. Believe in Christ Jesus and enjoy the unlimited presence of God.

Prayer: Jesus thank you for the sacrifice you made on Calvary that has qualified me to enjoy the divine presence of God. Amen

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The Lady Evangelist Kim


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