Proverbs 3:27-28 Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due when it is in your power to act. Do not say to your neighbor, "Come back tomorrow and I’ll give it to you" — when you already have it with you.

You are blessed to be a blessing. Are you holding on to someone's blessing or solution? The actions you take are breakthroughs for individuals, families, communities, nations, and even the world at large. Prompt response to people's needs saves life and leads an indelible mark on the affected person and the society at large. God releasing Jesus Christ some two thousand years back was an emergency response to reconcile humanity back to God. Different Bible characters contributed in their various capacities to benefit their world and people around them. Someone like David used his war skills to save Israel from their enemy Goliath and he used his harp playing skill to deliver king Saul when he was tormented with demons. The list can go on and on; the likes of Joseph, Daniel, Rehab, and other women who supported the ministry of Jesus Christ with their substances. Not forgetting the little boy who gave Jesus Christ five loaves of bread and two fishes which fed over five thousand men. 
John 6:9 "Here is a boy with five small barley loaves and two small fish, but how far will they go among so many?" 
In history men like Tetteh Quarshie of Ghana just swallowed some beans of cocoa to Ghana and now Ghana is doing well in cocoa production in the world. There are heroes and heroines who fought for one thing or the other in their time. Mother Theresa, Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Edison, and co. 
Our challenge is that we don't think the little we have in our hands cannot make the needed impact, we waiting for something bigger before we affect the change others need. But what you have in your hands now; your talent, capacity, skill, prayer, word of encouragement, service is what is needed to impact lives to bring that change. Never withhold from others what you are holding now. Give it out and the Lord will give you more to hold.

Prayer: Father give me a heart that lends a helping hand at all times, grace me with a heart that serves God and humanity in Jesus name Amen.

Kindly leave a prayer request, a comment,  share and support the ministry @ Worddigestdailydevotional.blogspot.com. 
The Lady Evangelist Kim


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