Proverbs 6:16-19 There are six things the LORD hates, seven that are detestable to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are quick to rush into evil, a false witness who pours out lies and a person who stirs up conflict in the community.

God has preferences, there are things that bring him joy and there are things that sadden His heart as our creator. God does not delight in the death of a sinner, rather he wants them to be saved. The Bible says there is great joy in heaven when one soul repents. Today we will look at the seven things that are detestable to the Lord. The first on the list is haughty eyes in other words to look down on others or to treat people with contempt. Michal the daughter looked down on King David and she was made barren for good. Next to that is a lying tongue. God detest liars, the devil is called the father of all lies. Liars twist the truth of God's word and alter the truth they hear from others. Jesus is the truth and he can't dwell with liars. Another detestable thing before God is a hand that shed innocent blood. Any form of action that takes innocent blood the Lord hates, from abortion, serial killing, reckless driving, coups, war, etc. All these shed the blood of innocent and those who do this are accountable to God. Furthermore is a heart that devises wicked schemes. The Bible says the heart of men are desperately wicked. When you wish someone dies, fall sick, fail, lose a job, or lose a beloved one, that is wickedness. In a nutshell, if you don't wish others well your heart is wicked. Also, those whose feet are quick to rush into evil are not friends of God. These are people who join in to persecute others, they are quick to pass verdict on others, they don't have grace in their hearts. These are people who will just jump into any form of evil without giving a second thought about it. They are easily influenced by evil. Another group of people the lord detest are false witnesses; they are those who forge stories to disfavor others and to put them into problems and persecution. These people have no conscience nor guilt. To end the list is the category of people who stir up conflict. These are people who feed others with information that will cause them to get angry, rage, and get into a misunderstanding with others. Their agenda is to separate and destroy relationships. Which category do you fall in? Do a self-assessment and repent in any of these sins because God detests them.

Prayer: Father rid my heart of any of these detestable sins, give me a clean heart to relate with others in Jesus mighty name Amen.

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The Lady Evangelist Kim


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