Ezra 9:9-10 For we were slaves, but in his unfailing love our God did not abandon us in our slavery. Instead, he caused the kings of Persia to treat us favorably. He revived us so that we were able to rebuild the Temple of our God and repair its ruins. He has given us a protective wall in Judah and Jerusalem. "And now, O our God, what can we say after all of this? For once again we have ignored your commands!

The Psalmist in  Psalms 116:12-13 gives a rendition of our verse for today. What shall I render unto the LORD for all His benefits toward me? I will take the cup of salvation, and call upon the name of the LORD. Ezra was surprised by the sinful attitude of the people of his time despite the goodness of the Lord towards them. While we yet sinners Christ loved us and gave himself for us. If this love is not enough to keep us away from our sinful ways what else will do. 
Romans 6:1-2 What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound? God forbid. How shall we, that are dead to sin, live any longer therein? 
Most people tend to love people who have been very good to them and we all agree they deserve it. God is the only one who is not been treated fairly here, His goodness towards us is paid back with evil. If we treat mortals like this, then God deserves better. He deserves our all and our best. For all that God has done for us and for the gift of salvation. How can we respond to this amazing love? We should give him all of ourselves and live for his glory and let His name continually be on our lips.

Prayer: Father I thank you for the gift of salvation, for all you have done for me I offer myself as a living sacrifice to you in Jesus name Amen.

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The Lady Evangelist Kim


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