1 Peter 2:5
You also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.
In the natural spiritual houses are temples and places where sacred things are offered to priests to sacrifice on the behalf of people. Sometimes  sacrifices done at this temples and places includes animal sacrifice, incantations, praises, monies, some even accept human sacrifices. Such sacrifices are dead works and abomination to the Lord.
But you are being built up as a spiritual house and as a holy priest of the Lord who offers spiritual sacrifice holy and acceptable to the Lord. God's delight is no longer in physical temples but his delight is in you. He has given you his holy spirit to set you apart from dead works unto holy, living and accepting works. He also made and intercessor where you can offer prayers, praise, make decrees and declarations on behalf of people. You must first be a living sacrifice to the Lord before your sacrifice for others are accepted.
Prayer: Holy Spirit purify me and make me an acceptable vessel for your glory in Jesus name Amen.
Kindly leave your questions and prayer requests in the comment box. God bless you


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