James 2:13
Because judgment without mercy will be shown to anyone who has not been merciful. Mercy triumphs over judgment!

Matthew 5:7 clearly states blessed are the merciful for they shall obtain mercy. There were other good deeds that attracted different blessings in the sermon on the mount. But the reward of mercy remains unchangeable; once you invest mercy you are sure to reap mercy and not any other blessing. A merciful person is one who allows a guilty person or party to go free without passing the required  judgment for the offense committed. We have all enjoyed mercy and you as an individual must be merciful at all times. The price of the forgiveness of sin was for a son to be hanged on the cross. But God over looked all the sons of men who were guilty and deserved to die and gave us his only begotten son Jesus Christ; this is mercy. If you have enjoyed this great mercy, why can't you be merciful to your friends, colleagues, servants, spouse, your children and even your enemies. You were once the enemy of God but he had mercy on you and called you his friend. The by product of mercy is mercy. If you don't give mercy you won't receive mercy.

Prayer: Holy Spirit help me to show mercy at all times. May I show mercy instead of Judgment in Jesus name. Amen


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