1 Peter 5:8
Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.
Your enemy is the devil not your fellow man. But here in the earth realm it is illegitimate for spirits to survive, they need a body to undertake their enterprise. That's why you have not met the devil in person but people have come your way who aided in destroying something in your life. It could be your: purity, faith, business, marriage, family, work, development of wrong character and strong addictions to things.
Just as the holy spirit possess a person so does evil spirits possess people. It takes self control which is one of the fruits of the holy spirit and alertness to find out his ways and antics. Self-control  is the ability to handle one's desires and impulses; willpower. To be alert means to means adequate preparation to meet any unfolding event.
Self control is not something you correct in another person but it an inward self check.  Where you subject your desires, impulses and willpower to the authority of Christ and to the dictate of the holy spirit so you don't react to the manipulations of the flesh that is at work in you and other people. Always be ready and and take extra precautions about people judging all things by the word of God.
Prayer: Holy spirit let me grow and increase in self control and alertness in Jesus name Amen.
God bless you for reading, your comments and prayer requests are always welcome.


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