1st Peter 4:10
Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms.
We are in an era where skills and gifts are in abundance. More than ever the entertainment industry, political sector, industrial and manufacturing sector, religious sector, the IT world etc. Have  greatly improved due great talent, skills and gifts available in the system now. It rather unfortunate that it is in this same era of abundant gifts, skills and talents that people take advantage of others. Everyone wants to out smart his or her neighbor because the gifts and talents available to him or her.
But the bible is admonishing us to remember that, we received those gifts not for our selfish interest but to serve each other. And in administering those gifts you are not exhibiting your talent or skill only but administering God's grace with your gift. If your gifts, skill, knowledge and talent must minister grace then it has to be devoid of pride and focused on pleasing the Lord. 
For John 1:16 AMP put it this way: for out of His abundance we have all had a share and we were supplied with one grace after another and spiritual blessing upon spiritual blessing and even favor upon favor and gift upon gift.
Prayer: Holy spirit change my mind set about gifts and talents and help administer your grace to others with my gifts in Jesus name. Amen


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