1 Peter 1:24-25
For, "All men are like grass, and all their glory is like the flowers of the field; the grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of the Lord stands forever." And this is the word that was preached to you.
People of prominence have risen and fallen. History makers in the bible, great philosophers, guru's in politics, science, business, religion, the entertainment world etc. Whether they died or were ruptured into in the heavens, the button line is that they have fallen and faded away. And whatever ideas or product they brought to their generation has either faded out or has been modified by current findings and research.
But beloved, the word of the stands firm, unchangeable, still relevant now as it as ever been. The word of God is not affected by trends and modernity.
Whiles the first  aircraft produce the wright brothers cannot carry for you for 30 minutes in air today, John 3:16 is still bringing people into the kingdom of God. Whiles quinine the first anti malaria drug can't cure malaria again Isaiah 53:3 is till healing people of their sins and diseases. Whiles the first bulb invented by Thomas Edison cannot shine your little corner 1st John 1:5b says God is light, and there is not darkness in him at all.
Beloved everything human will pass way, fade out and change. But one thing stands and lives on forever; the word of God. Won't you rather live by the ever abiding word.
Prayer: Holy spirit more than ever increase my love for your word. When all fails may I stand by your word in Jesus name.  Amen
Always remember we are here to serve you. Kindly leave your questions or prayer requests in the comment box. God bless you


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