Revelation 1:7
Look, he is coming with the clouds, and every eye will see him, even those who pierced him; and all the people of the earth will mourn because of him. So shall it be. Amen
Jesus Christ first appearing was just like any ordinary person. Kings and presidents are not born being carried in palanquins or with convoy but after their election and appointment they do not appear as ordinary people.
Jesus went through the same process; manger born without much reputation. But at his second coming, He comes as an exalted king and all will see him. Whether you voted for a president or not once the person wins, you witness his or her glorification.
Jesus Christ has won the victory on the cross and whether you believed in him or not at his appearing you shall see him.
Why will people be mourning at his appearing? Will you be part of those mourning? Verse 5& 6 says those who have been washed by his blood has been made kings and priests forever, and they shall reign with him. These ones will be full of joy. But woe to them that pierced him: rejecting his free gift of salvation. The king is coming. Are you preparing to meet him?
Prayer: Holy spirit convict at all times to be mindful of the second appearing of Jesus Christ Amen.


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