James 4:3
When you ask, you do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, that you may spend what you get on your pleasures.
Motives are very important to God when it comes answering our prayers. He is all seeing and all knowing God. He can tell the state of your heart and the outcome of events when he answers that prayer. In the new testament Acts 8:9-24, a story is given about the sorcerer Simon who had repented and wanted to pay money to receive the gift of the holy spirit. In the account  God revealed the state of his heart to Peter and he was denied this gift. This same holy spirit has been  poured out to the house of Cornelius freely without any restrictions. Sometimes you can fast, sow seeds, pray in faith and do all you know to do. But until your motive is right  before God he is not answering that prayer. God does not answer self seeking and self glorification prayers.  He answers prayers birthed out of his will. His glory he will share with no man. Check your motives when you pray.
Prayer: Lord I surrender my will to you in prayers. I align my prayers to your will in Jesus name. Amen


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