Jude 1:20
But you, dear friends, build yourselves up in your most holy faith and pray in the Holy Spirit.

Building yourself up in your most holy faith is a personal responsibility. To see physical growth, you eat and drink on your own, you exercise on your own to keep your shape and form. What makes you think your spiritual maturity is in the hands of your pastor? The servants of God are just instructors in your life; they recommended as they are inspired by the holy spirit as to what you have to do. But is your personal responsibility to read the word, pray, fast, meditate, give, bear the fruit of the spirit etc. There is little others can do to help you grow spiritually. When it all said and done you are responsible for your spiritual maturity.

Prayer: Holy spirit stir up a desire in me to partake in spiritual activities that will build me up in Jesus name Amen


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