James 3:13
Who is wise and understanding among you? Let him show it by his good life, by deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom.

The by product of wisdom and understanding  is seen on the outward. Wise and understanding people  are always humble and in the business of always doing good. Pride and evil practices emanates from lack of wisdom and understanding. Is not lack of understanding that will make a person read, tobacco causes cancer and till use his or her money to buy at the detriment to his or her health? Is not lack of wisdom and understanding that will cause one to  consume alcohol and sleep in the open whiles he or she has a bed at home?  It lack of wisdom that will make a person risk his or her life to go rob others but can't take that same risk to work and earn his own money which is arrest free?  The outcome of your life shows the level your wisdom and understanding. Beloved consider the word of the Lord and pursue wisdom. Wisdom begins with the fear of the Lord. Fear the Lord and walk in the path of wisdom, deny God's ways and wisdom and walk in your folly.

Prayer: Holy spirit I pray for the wisdom of God. May this wisdom guide my ways in Jesus name. Amen.

You can drop a prayer request and we will be praying with you. God bless you.


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