2Peter 2:19
They promise them freedom, while they themselves are slaves of depravity for a man is a slave to whatever has mastered him.
Are you a slave, an expert or the free man?
In 2nd Peter 2, the first bishop of the church is just addressing the coming of false teachers and prophets in the kingdom and the punishment that lies ahead of them.
Most people who are engaging in sinful acts and self destructive habits exchange slavery for expertise. If you are an expert in an area it means you have enough knowledge on an issue and it informs your decisions. Slaves are not privileged to that knowledge, they just go by the instructions of the master. You can never be an expert in sin, you can only be a slave. Quit calling yourself an expert in addictive habits like drug abuse, uncontrolled emotions,  alcoholism, etc. They have mastered you, admit you are slave to them and ask Jesus Christ to redeem from their power.
Prayer: Jesus Christ I admit am slave to the addictions in my life, please deliver me and grant me freedom forever Amen.


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