Nahum 1:13 Now I will break their yoke from your neck and tear your shackles away."

The prophet k wrote concerning the oppression of the people of Judah in the hands of Nineveh. It was a time to declare liberty for God's people.

In Nahum 1:13, there are two things God said; He would do for His people. The first is to break the yoke of the Assyrians of their neck. Yokes are mostly external and meant to cripple and hold you in slavery for good. If you are under a yoke, a limitation is placed on your life; you live under an oppressor's rule. But there is a season of God's visitation where, He visits His people to break off the yokes, and that time is Now. The position of the yoke is essential in understanding how wicked the enemy is.
The primary function of the neck is to provide support for the skull, while still allowing for movement. It is the most flexible part of the spine. This flexibility allows for large movements to scan our surroundings. The majority of sensory inputs occur at the head; thus, proper neck movement is vital to our survival.
A yoke on your means you would not enjoy any of the benefits of having a neck but glory to Jesus Christ who has broken off the yoke of the enemy and has given His lighter yoke.

Not only were the people of God under yokes, but they also had shackles. Shackles are like handcuffs; they place limitations on your hands and legs. They limit your movement and placement in life. God is not only interested in breaking the yokes but also in tearing off shackles. The yokes God break but the shackles He tears away. This month, the Lord will tear away anything that has limited your life.

Prayer: Lord Jesus Christ, thank you for ushering me into a season of breaking the yokes and tearing every shackle over my life in Jesus' name. Amen.

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