Zechariah 7:9-11 "This is what the LORD Almighty said: ’Administer true justice; show mercy and compassion to one another. Do not oppress the widow or the fatherless, the foreigner or the poor. Do not plot evil against each other.’ "But they refused to pay attention; stubbornly they turned their backs and covered their ears.

Yesterday we learnt from God's word through the prophet Zechariah that God is not impressed with our religious routines and rituals if we don't do them because of  Him. Then God went further to tell the prophet what He requires from us. That is what we are discussing today.

Our daily religious rituals will continue to be meaningless to God if we don't do what He has asked us to do. How we relate with one another is more important to God than our sacrifices to Him. We are our problems. People are spending time fasting and praying about issues created by another man. Think about it; if someone is fasting and trusting God that his or her spouse will remain faithful, it simply means there is another person responsible for that person's problem. If a mother is fasting and praying that his son or daughter will come out of drug abuse, there is a company and individuals responsible for producing these drugs harmful to the child. If there is injustice in a nation, it simply means the individuals in charge of administering justice don't do so. So people come into God's presence not to seek God but to seek vengeance on a fellow man which God disapproves of.

God says if you are coming to me in fasting, praying, offering, tithing, seed sowing we should have Him in mind. Are you the reason someone goes to God? Then you have become God's enemy; taking His glory and place in a person's life. People do not have God in mind in his presence because there is someone in their lives causing them so much pain, distracting them, pressurising them so they come to because of them.
We can help each other focus on the true purpose of worship if we relate with each other well by administering true justice; showing mercy and compassion to one another, not oppressing the widow or the fatherless, the foreigner or the poor and not plotting evil against each other.’ Nonetheless, if you find any of these working against you; stay focused. Let your motive be right, fast, pray, give, and serve because of God. And the God who sees and knows all things will give you that which men have refused to give. He will grant you justice, He will be merciful and gracious to you, He will be your father and His love will be a banner over you.

Prayer: Father I thank you. Justice, kindness and love are your nature. I thank you that you will give me what men have denied me of. Holy Spirit help me that I may do what the Lord requires of me; may Jesus Christ be the reason for every action I take in Jesus' name. Amen.

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