2Timothy 2:19 But God's truth stands firm like a foundation stone with this inscription: "The Lord knows those who are his," and "Those who claim they belong to the Lord must turn away from all wickedness."

Across the world, most football fanatics have the records of their soccer icons. Someone in India may know Christian Ronaldo by name, know his career records and his family history but does not have any relationship with him. God is a global personality most people claim they know but does God knows them?

God has a billboard with the first inscription being the Lord knows those who are his. Every parent knows the number of children they have, and no child can impose him or herself on any parent. Beloved, you cannot impose yourself on God with the cliche am a child of God; no! God knows His children. Once a child is born into a family, they become part of it. Once you are born into the family of God, you are God's child, and that settles it. The principle on earth to be part of a family is through birth; that is why Jesus Christ has to be given birth to by mortal men for him to live here. Are you born again? Have you been accepted into the family of God?

The second inscription goes this way; if you claim you know me says the Lord Almighty, then turn away from wickedness. What is wickedness? Anything that is not in line with God's Word is wickedness. If God does not know you and you claim to know him, the only to prove your claim is to live in line with his word. We identify fanatics of celebrities by their love and how they represent and defend their icon. If you know God, talk about him, project, spread his name, and support his course, then your claim of knowing him shall be valid.

Prayer: Father, in Jesus' name, forgive me of any false claim. Lord Jesus Christ make me born again so that the father may know me; from today, I turn from wickedness to live in line with God's word that my claim of knowing him may be valid in Jesus' name. Amen.

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