Mark 3:28-29 "I assure you that any sin can be forgiven, including blasphemy;  but anyone who blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven. It is an eternal sin."

We often hear about eternal life; we are all striving and calling on others to seek with us to gain eternal life. Our text today mentions eternal sin. What is eternal sin? How does one fall into the error of eternal sin, and how do we avoid it.

The issue of eternal sin was mentioned by Lord Jesus Christ when he was at the peak of his miraculous ministry. The Pharisees and the people of His time could not comprehend the move of God, thereby associating the move of God with Satan. Mark 3:22-23 But the teachers of religious law who had arrived from Jerusalem said, "He's possessed by Satan, the prince of demons. That's where he gets the power to cast out demons." Jesus called them over and said to them by way of illustration, " How can Satan cast out Satan? Jesus Christ took time to reason with them about His genuineness from Mark 3: 22- 27, then in 28 - 29, he ends on a note of caution. Mark 3:28-29 "I assure you that any sin can be forgiven, including blasphemy;  but anyone who blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven. It is an eternal sin."

Blasphemy has the following definitions: Irreverence toward something considered sacred or inviolable. The act of insulting or showing contempt or lack of reverence for any religion's deity or deities. The act of claiming the attributes of a deity. Jesus Christ said all sins and blasphemy can be forgiven but blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven. What is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit? Giving credit to satan and any mortal for what God has done is called blasphemes against the Holy Spirit. God said my Glory I shall share with no man. It is a great abomination before God when discredit is glory. Beloved, in this era of fakes and counterfeits, there are still genuine men and women of God declaring the acts of God. If you are not sure about anything, your best bet is to shut up and leave it to God, who has said that at the end of the harvest, He shall harvest the grain and the weeds.

Prayer: Lord Jesus Christ, do what no man can do in my life, forgive my sins, and cause men to help me with my physical needs. In your name, I pray. Amen.

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