Isaiah 24:5 The earth is defiled by its people; they have disobeyed the laws, violated the statutes and broken the everla,sting covenant.

The UN together with other international unions like European Union, African Union, and other international organizations are always seeking ways and means to bring sanity to humanity. For them, they believe the earth is defiled through sanitation challenges, wars, economic inequality, global pandemics, food crisis, and human rights issues, etc.  Yes, humanity and the earth have these challenges because of one simple reason going against the laws of God and breaking eternal covenants. Things that have been established by God are been overthrown by men and we think there will be peace on earth no, never. A table is supposed to stand on four legs for balance, a uses four wheels to move that is how is made to live and fit by the manufacturer in its manual. Tampering with one leg of a table or a car will leave them in limbo, they will malfunction. The manufacturer of the earth and humans is God. He has a manual called the Bible for our living and survival. Humanity and the entire world can not have peace until we obey God fully according to His word. The earth will continue in its frustration if we go against God's word. Killing one another, accepting LGBTQ+, destroying marriages, and above all rejecting Jesus Christ as the son of the Living God who has the power to save us. As long as the earth remains it's the author is God. No amount of international dialogues and interventions can save the world unless we go back to the author's manual. God made the earth and we can only live and fit in the earth system only if we obey Him fully.

Prayer: Father in the name of my Lord Jesus Christ I can only live and fit in here when I fully obey you. I pray for grace. Open the eyes of our world leaders to behold this truth as well in Jesus' name. Amen.

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The Lady Evangelist Kim


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