Isaiah 11:6 The wolf will live with the lamb, the leopard will lie down with the goat, the calf and the lion and the yearling together; and a little child will lead them.

How is it possible that these enemy creatures will ever live peacefully together?    To have predators coexisting with their prey without harming them is a great miracle. This is God's original intent for His creation. He never intended that those with strength should harm the weaker ones. Rather He created us all for peaceful coexistence with our common enemy the devil. When you allowed the devil in we became enemies bent on destroying each other even unto death. Thank God for Christ Jesus who is the restorer of all things. Through Him, we can experience this unity again. In the body of Christ we ex-convicts, murders, kings, children, people of all races coming together to fellowship with the God Head. Most often leaders of Churches and ministries are young and less powerful than the people they lead just like the child leading the creatures in our verse under study today. This form of peaceful coexistence and beauty is only found in the Lord Jesus Christ. Let continue to live in unity as Christ will have it be. Desist from actions that destroy the unity in the body of Christ

Prayer: Jesus Christ continue to bind us together in love and unity. That the world will see Christ in us and learn to love Him too. Amen.

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The Lady Evangelist Kim


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