Isaiah 5:12 You furnish lovely music and wine at your grand parties; the harps, lyres, tambourines, and flutes are superb! But you never think about the Lord or notice what he is doing.

Two days after Jennifer's parents had gone on a trip to visit her grandmother. She invited her friends to come to their home to organise a wild party. Unfortunately for her Mummy and dad returned to meet their living room turned into a pub. Her friends had to rush out, some through windows while she faced her parents. Daddy gently commented you, my daughter, why would you hide your party moments with me? I would have loved to be present to invite our family and friends. Like Jennifer's parents, God is interested in all we do. God is not dull or boring God as some people would have us believe. Jesus Christ went to wedding receptions, He organised parties and invited others. In the story of the prodigal son, God threw a party when the lost son came back. And anytime God appears at a party He works miracles.
What the Lord dislikes is when we take him out of the fun.  God is interested in the music, the instruments, the dance, drinks, and food served at your party, and above all the purpose of the gathering. At every point in time, God is at work. And God wants to use your wedding reception, birthday parties, family and friends get together, Easter parties, hangouts to draw souls into the Kingdom of God. But when we are having such events we don't think about the Lord and His agenda. All we think about is the fun aspect of it. Every itinerary of a believer is an avenue to win souls into the Kingdom of God. In organising any party think about God and what he is doing. Let your music and the atmosphere you create lead people to Christ Jesus. Let Jesus be a regular guest at your parties.

Prayer: Holy Spirit thank you for opening my eye to the truth of your word. Forgive me past mistakes from today I will think about you in my parties and fun times in Jesus' name. Amen.

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The Lady Evangelist Kim


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