Luke 22:67-69 "If you are the Messiah," they said, "tell us." Jesus answered, "If I tell you, you will not believe me, and if I asked you, you would not answer. But from now on, the Son of Man will be seated at the right hand of the mighty God."

Today we dealing with the subject of compromise. The devil always presents compromise as the easy way out. But that is never true. The option to compromise has never been an easy way for anyone who took that path. When Adam and Eve compromised and ate the fruit. Did life become easy for them? No. Let ask uncle Cain, did life become easy for him for killing his brother Abel? No. Let ask father Sampson as well, did his life get better compromising with Delilah? No. What of Judas Iscariot? What was the outcome of his life after betraying Jesus? Compromising and taking a firm stand with Jesus Christ both come with challenges but in the end, the latter is rewarding the former. Observe the life of those who yielded to the devil and compromised to that of those who took a stand for God. Look at the outcomes of their lives and decide which path is best to take. Adam compromise and brought the whole earth under a curse. Jesus took a stand with God and brought us redemption. Judas Iscariot compromised and eventually killed himself, the other eleven disciples stayed with Jesus and did mighty works. Sampson compromised with Delilah, he died with his enemies. Joseph refused to have any sexual relationship with his master's wife but in the end, he became a king in Egypt. For those who choose to compromise and for those who took a stand for God, in each case, there was suffering and torture. Sampson's was beaten, his eyes scooped out and he died with his enemies. Jesus was beaten, tortured, insulted but when he died he was resurrected as a king. Don't let the devil talk you into compromise. It is not the easy way out, it is a difficult choice without any rewarding outcome. Take a stand for Jesus Christ with zero compromise; it is a difficult choice with a rewarding outcome. Won't you rather choose to stand with Jesus?

Prayer: Jesus I have decided to stand with you to the very end. Holy Spirit help and empower me in my walk with my Lord and King in Jesus' name. Amen.

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The Lady Evangelist Kim


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