Luke 20:38 Now he is not the God of the dead, but of the living: for all live unto him.

Just as the Bible says in Ecclesiastes 9:4 Anyone who is among the living has hope —even a live dog is better off than a dead lion! So is a living slave better than a dead king. God does not deal with the dead, whether it their spirits or achievement. That is why king Saul offended God and never got his kingdom back after he went to the witch of Endor to consult a familiar spirit appearing as the prophet Samuel. It appointment unto a man to die once after death is judgment. The spirit of the dead does not protect or bring any form of prosperity they are lies from the enemy. Since creation, God does not use the dead to achieve anything on earth. Once you are living and kicking, it does not matter how the limitation in your life; God can use you. Are you weak, sick, broke, illiterate, a sinner, widow, fearful, and so on? Don't worry the underlying condition is that once you have life, God is for you and you are living unto God. He resurrected the dying business of Peter and his friends, He turned a mad man into an evangelist, He made Gideon a fearful man into a mighty man of valor. The poor Jabez became a multi-millionaire. There is nothing God cannot do for you once you are alive. Let hope arise in you and tell yourself once I have life am a candidate for God's blessing and goodness.

Prayer: Christ Jesus I thank you that am alive today, and because I have life, I remain positive that I will see your goodness in my life in your name have I prayed with thanks. Amen.

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The Lady Evangelist Kim


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