Deuteronomy 6:20-21: In the future, your children will ask you, what the meaning of these laws, decrees, and regulations that God commands us to obey. Then you must tell them we were Pharaoh's slave in Egypt but the Lord brought us out of Egypt with a strong hand.

God knew that a time will come that the generations yet unborn will not understand why they should obey God. In our generation today we asking why should I believe in Jesus, why did he have to die before my sins are forgiven, Is what I am hearing stories or it happened. God understands why he had these records written down for us.
We believe when our parents show us earthly birth certificates. We accept and believe it with ease but blindly question the authority of Jesus Christ. The same written document that your parents gave us that made us believe that we were born a certain day, surely a greater document is here called the bible the infallible word of God it says in John 1:1-14. That Jesus existed from the beginning. John 1:12-13
But all who believed him and accepted him he gave the right to become the children of God. They are reborn not with a physical birth resulting from a human will but a birth that comes from God.  

Prayer: Lord Jesus I believe in You. I decode my mind of any doubts I have. Forgive mine sins and record my name among the heavenly saints. Welcome to the kingdom of lights.

Kindly leave a prayer request, comment, testimonies, and support the ministry @ Worddigestdailydevotional.blogspot.com.
The Lady Evangelist Kim


  1. Thanks very much for the daily teaching woman of God.
    My prayer request :the Lord should grant me the strength over temptations and grant me the spirit of sustainability.


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