Mark 14: 61-62: "Are you the Christ, the Son of the Blessed One? I am," said Jesus. "And you will see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of the Mighty One and coming on the clouds of heaven

Jesus in Mark 16: 60 downwards was accused of many things, but he remained silent about them all. The only question he answered was his identity with God and that led to his crucifixion. There is something we can learn from Jesus in this passage, mostly we love to defend ourselves when the issues have to do with our security and our self-image. Self-image, security and identity crisis was the least of his worries. He can afford to be silent about anything but definitely not about his identity as Jesus the son of the living God, he didn't care if that will lead him to the cross of suffering, he bodily confessed am the son of God!!!  How many times have you denied God and his word just to a get job, get promoted, pass an exam, travel abroad, get money, etc? Jesus would have his life spared if he denied his God but he knew it better to stand with God and die on the cross than to deny him and lose it all in the end. Most of us have chosen the now gratification and be sure and be prepared for future damnation. It better to a Christian unemployed graduate than to a sex tool employed graduate, it better eating Kofi broke man with Christ and than eating delicacies of meals with sinners. Because the afflictions you go through for Christ are temporal. After three days there was the resurrection. May God help you take a stand for Jesus with zero compromises.

Prayer: Lord grant me the grace to always proclaim my allegiance to you and your word at all times in Jesus name Amen

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The Lady Evangelist Kim


  1. Prayer request:The Lord should grant me the spirit to remain in His presence.


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