Mark 12:30: And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul (life), and with all your mind (thought, understanding), and with all your strength; this is the first commandment

Loving the Lord is not a partial thing, it demands the involvement of your whole being. Your heart which engine of your body must always be yearning for God and his ways through his word. Your soul which the center of your emotions must yearn for an intimate relationship with God, your taught and reasoning should be in line with things that please the Lord. True love seeks to please one another,  so is it with our love for the Lord. And finally, your love for the Lord is seen in the strength we exhibit towards him and his work. As you open your bible to read, drive or walk to church, give an offering or tithe, telling a neighbor about Christ, giving to the poor, preaching, cleaning the church et,c. As you use your energy and resources to do these things you are expressing your love for the Lord through your strength. Your love for the Lord is partial if all of your heart, soul, mind and strength is not fully involved. This you must always do first for it is the first commandment.  Have a wonderful weekend.

Prayer: Lord from today I promise by your Grace to love you with all that I am and have in Jesus mighty name. Amen

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The Lady Evangelist Kim


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