Mark 8:38: If anyone is ashamed of me and my words in this adulterous and sinful generation, the Son of Man will be ashamed of him when he comes in his Father's glory with the holy angels."

How many times have you redrawn when it has to do with Jesus Christ and his words? You are comfortable talking about everything from politics, fashion, business, sports, friends, school except for Christ Jesus and His words. You suddenly turn mute when the onus lies on you to speak for Jesus Christ. When you find yourself in the midst of people whose actions and deed are against Christ and his teachings, that is where you turn to be prem and proper suddenly your tone down, that audible voice of your's talking about politics, sports, music, fashion suddenly fades out when you called upon to speak about Christ Jesus. Are ashamed to speak God's mindset concerning issues like drug abuse, fornication, bribery, fashion in this sinful generation? Really!  Christ expects you to share the truth of His words in love without apology everywhere we find ourselves without compromise. If you think declaring your unflinching love for Christ Jesus in this perverse generation is embarrassing, then you don't have a fair idea of what shame is. You will understand shame better when you stand before the glorious throne of God and Christ turns His face against you and tells you I don't know you, depart from me your worker of iniquity. This is shame! Yh this is the biggest and real shame. Paul said am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ Jesus! Daniel and friends said, "King we are not careful to answer you concerning this matter even if the Lord does not save us we won't bow". Joshua said as for me and my household we shall serve the Lord. Peter said to whom shall we go? What have you also said to declare your unflinching love for Jesus Christ?
Is time to rise in boldness to speak about Christ and His words without shame.

Prayer: Holy Spirit give me the boldness and utterances to defend the course of Christ in this perverse generation in Jesus' name. Amen

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The Lady Evangelist Kim


  1. Oh Lord, your word says you didn't give us the Spirit of fear but of power therefore I pray unto you that may you grant me the power of boldness to stand for your truth in this hard times .🙏🙏🙏

  2. Oh. May I not experience this great shame in the name of Jesus Christ 🙏.


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