Numbers 20:8" Take the rod, and you and your brother Aaron assemble the congregation and speak to the rock in front of them so that it will pour out its water. In this way, you shall bring water for them out of the rock and let the congregation and their livestock drink [fresh water].”

How can a rock contain water? And how do you get water out of a rock? How do you get refreshments, victories, and breakthroughs in difficult moments? The rock represents a difficult situation but in any difficult situation, there is water which stands for refreshment, joy, peace, and solutions. But how can you be refreshed in difficult moments? God says take up your rod( the word of God) and begin to speak to that situation. Tell that sicknesses the word of God says by his stripes I am healed, say to poverty I know the Grace of the  Lord Jesus though he was rich became poor so I through his poverty will be rich, speak to barrenness and say my bible says non shall be barren, tell the spirit of death that the Lord shall satisfy me with long life, speak to singlehood that two is better than one, speak to failure and say I will be head and not the tail and tell the devil I saw you Satan fall like a lightning from heaven and I shall tread over you and your demons and you shall by no means harm me, for greater is he that dwells in me than he that is in the world! Dear the complains, sleepless nights, arguments won't solve that problem. Speak the infallible word of God and receive rest, refreshment, and solution from that difficult situation Now!

Prayer: Lord may my tongue be loose to easily speak your word in difficult times in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ. Amen

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The Lady Evangelist Kim


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