Luke 6:46: "Why do you call me, 'Lord, Lord,' and do not do what I say?

It is easier said than done. Jesus Christ is not your Lord until you come to the place of total obedience to his word. He was surprised that most people want to identify with him but are not willing to obey his commandments. It funny we obey every other instruction except that of God;  you obey the traffic, you the rains, you obey mosquitoes by using repellent and nets, you obey the instructions of the police, judges, teachers, etc. The only person you find difficult to obey is God and his word. The requirement of Jesus being your Lord is when you obey him. You can never be happy in your walk with God if you don't obey him.

Prayer: Dear Lord I commit myself to obey your word fully grant me the grace I need in Jesus' mighty name. Amen

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The Lady Evangelist Kim


  1. Thanks for sharing Lady Evangelist Kim.
    Of a truth,
    One's walking with God is in his /her obedience alone.


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