Luke 9:26: If anyone is ashamed of me and my words, the Son of Man will be ashamed of him when he comes in his glory and in the glory of the Father and of the holy angels.

Every great leader is known by their works and words. People who decide to follow them show their allegiance by obeying their words. You can't be a follower who does not obey the words of your master.  Anytime you publicly disobey the word of the Lord is a denial to Christ. E.g. If you don't share your faith, don't demonstrate the fruit of the spirit, fornicate, lie, become a drug addict, you bring division, etc. Anytime you are involved in any practice whether in public or private that is contrary to Christ and his words, you have denied him. And Christ says if you deny him now he will also deny you before his father when he returns in his glory. People may reject you when you fully show your allegiance to Christ and his words now, it is better to be rejected by men than to be rejected by God. If God is for you who can stand against you? But if God is against you, who can be for? You have not known shame till you stand before the throne of God and Jesus Christ denies you. It is always better and wiser to stay on the Lord's side.

Prayer: Lord I repent of the many times I have denied you forgive me. I ask for the grace to always obey you in full solidarity in Jesus' name. Amen.

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The Lady Evangelist Kim


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