Zechariah 14:9 The LORD will be king over the whole earth. On that day there will be one LORD, and his name the only name.

People have been crown kings and queens in various capacities. From the world of entertainment, sports, finance, inventions, entrepreneurs, etc. We hear accolades like the king of pop, queen of pop, the don, the god of soccer, money king, and the commonly used one for some of our ladies now slay queen aha! People have made themselves gods to other people while objectives and gadgets have become people's god. I don't know which category you fall into? Whether you are being worshiped or you worship an objective. Anything in your life that competes with God is an idol and it has become your temporary king or queen in your life. Whatever it is that is taking the place of God in your life will not remain forever. It has an expiry date. There are three things that will abide forever;  hope, faith, and love and the greatest of these is Love. And because God is love at the end of all things He alone God will abide forever. Your topmost priority in life is to love God, when you excel in the love of God you are able to transfer this love to all other people. So when Jesus was questioned about the greatest law He answered in 
Matthew 22:37-39 Jesus replied:  "’ Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself.’
There is one only one King and one Kingdom that will last forever, there is only one move and one movement that will forever remain. Is the Kingdom of God and the Jesus movement. Who is your king?

Prayer: Dear Lord Jesus I make you my Saviour and King this day. Recruit me into your army of grace in your name have I prayed with thanksgiving Amen.

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The Lady Evangelist Kim


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