Zechariah 7:9-10 This is what the LORD Almighty said: ’Administer true justice; show mercy and compassion to one another. Do not oppress the widow or the fatherless, the foreigner or the poor. Do not plot evil against each other.’

The people of Bethel wanted to go through their normal routine of fasting and prayers to appease God to deliver them from calamity. This is God's response to them in Zachariah 7:9-10. We cannot fast and pray when evil abounds amongst us. God rejects such fasting and prayers. Our prayers and fasting do not move God if is done out of routine and not out genuine repentance. We cannot oppress the poor, be greedy, and plot evil against one another and except God to respond to our fasting and prayers. Our prayers and fasting will be lessened if we heed to the ways of the Lord. Before you fast and pray as a means to curb any calamity always ask yourself if you have treated your fellow human well. It is time to administer love to one another.

Prayer: Father I thank you for your word that teaches us how to relate well with our fellow humans so that we can always come before in boldness, mold my heart to do your will in Jesus Name Amen

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The Lady Evangelist Kim


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