2Corinthians 3:17 Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.

In our quest to find freedom we sometimes end up in strange places and with the wrong persons. Freedom is found where the Spirit of God resides. The Lord is Spirit and you need to be spiritual to relate with Him. God does not relate with us in the flesh but He relates to us in the spirit. Another fact is that the spirit of God is mobile but He does not reside everywhere. One way you see that the Spirit resides in a place, a situation, or in an individual is the existence of freedom around. Anything that puts you under fear and bondage is not of the Lord. It does not matter how bad the situation may be, there is an assurance of freedom. If you are in a place or situation that intimidates your freedom in Christ is time to reconsider and find true freedom in Christ Jesus.

Prayer: Holy Spirit I pray for freedom from the power of fear and bondage. Lead me out of situations that undermine my freedom in Christ Jesus Amen

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The Lady Evangelist Kim


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