Revelation 14:13
Then I heard a voice from heaven say, "Write: Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on." "Yes," says the Spirit, "they will rest from their labor, for their deeds will follow them."
Death is not just the end of your life here on earth but is the transition of your life spent on earth into eternity. Just as nine months in the womb of a mother prepares us for a life to lived on earth. Death prepares you for eternity: and in eternity there are  just two choices either heaven or hell.
You can die in the Lord or die without the Lord. If you die in the Lord you are blessed, you rest from your labors and your works follow you.
It simply means the opposite is only true: when you die without the Lord you are cursed, you don't rest from your labors and your works follow you as well.
Beloved no amount of tears, prayers, tribute, praise and worship, sermon and wreath laid at your interment that can change your eternal status. You choose where to spend eternity while you live here on earth. Death leaves you with just two choices either heaven or hell. I like the way Psalm 37:37 puts its, mark the end of the righteous for their end is peace.
If a memorial service and lowering of casket is all there is to life to be lived on earth then life is not worth living. But in this we hope, therefore we cope: the resurrection of the dead where we will spend eternity with our father. Is this your hope too?
Prayer: Holy Spirit I can't afford to miss heaven. Help me to stayed connected to Christ to live and die in him in Jesus name I have I prayed. Amen


  1. May the Holy Spirit hold us up through our earthly journey into eternity.

  2. Seeking for the double portion is Prophet Elijah's mantle.


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