Revelation 13:13
And he performed great and miraculous signs, even causing fire to come down from heaven to earth in full view of men.
Not every sign and wonder you see under the sun is of the Lord. Even the devil and his fallen angels can perform signs and wonders.
No wonder Jesus told the 70 that returned that they should not rejoice that demons bow to them but they should rather rejoice that their names are in heaven.
The litmus test for being a true disciple of Jesus goes beyond  signs and wonders. By this men will know u are my disciples if you love one another. By their fruit you shall know them them.
And the fruit  of the spirit are these: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentle ness and Self-control. Anytime you see a person performing signs and
wonders without these traits, we need to pause and think.
Prayer: Holy spirit I pray that you grant me discernment in this age of signs and wonders in Jesus name Amen


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