Revelation 20:12
And I saw the dead, great and small, standing before the throne, and books were opened. Another book was opened, which is the book of life. The dead were judged according to what they had done as recorded in the books.
No one will miss out on this August occasion.
Is a day of accountability to God. Where scores will be settled and motives judged. Will the records you bear of yourself correlate with what God has? Books will be opened and the book of life will also be opened. The other books are books that bear records of our works on earth and the book of this book that bears names of those who will continue living because they believed and trusted in Jesus Christ. Blessed is the one whose name is found in the book of life. We all have works but we all don't have Christ. Everything that is not built on Christ don't stand the chance of survival before God. Is a day where you will know at every iota of your actions on earth had eternal repercussions that can't be altered as you stand in Judgment before God.
But you have today to make things right with God. Where you can allow Christ Jesus into your life and to make him the foundation of your works. So that in eternity you can have Christ centered works and also have your name in the book of life. This is an opportunity you must grab now!
Prayer: Jesus I can't ignore you and survive eternity. Jesus son of God have mercy on me and write my name in the book of life Amen


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