Revelation 11:11-12
But after the three and a half days a breath of life from God entered them, and they stood on their feet, and terror struck those who saw them. Then they heard a loud voice from heaven saying to them, "Come up here." And they went up to heaven in a cloud, while their enemies looked on.
Once you are a witness of Jesus Christ you can't be killed forever. No matter how bad your situation becomes at the breath of Jesus Christ you will resurrect to life again. As witness of Christ don't stop speaking his word: the word of God in your mouth is a fire of destruction against the devil and his agents. With your words you control cosmic powers and pronounce divine interventions in the earth realm.
Revelation 11:5- 7 tells us.
But is for this same reason that the devil will wage war against you. The enemy may think he has destroyed you to the latter. But you serve a God who is the resurrection and the life: at his breath you shall live again, your finances will work again, your business will boom back, your health will be restored, your relationships will work again. There shall be peace in your family. God will lift up your head in front of your enemies. They will watch you ascend into glory as they sink into the pit destruction.
Prayer: Holy spirit I activate the breath of the living Messiah over every dead situation in my life. I decree and declare life over them in Jesus name Amen.


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