Joshua 24:15 But if you refuse to serve the lord, then choose today whom you will serve. Would you prefer the gods your ancestors served beyond the Euphrates? Or will it be the gods of the Amorites in whose land you now live? But as for me and my family, we will serve the lord.”

Joshua's major assignment in life after his service to the servant of God Moses was to ensure the people of Israel get their inheritance. In his lifetime that is what he accomplished; fighting wars and dividing the inheritance to each tribe in Israel. One would think the greatest satisfaction and accomplishment of God was settling them in the promised land but no, God's greatest desire is to see His children serve Him. You can get to your promised land and choose not to serve God. God does not interest Himself so much about our breakthroughs and the fulfilment of His promises in our lives but His interest is our service and commitment to Him only as we receive His promises.

Most people fail woefully when it comes to this, staying committed to God and serving Him in the promised land. Our first earthly parents Adam and Eve failed this test, in their promised land Eden they disobeyed. King Saul was obedient to God till he ascended the throne and started his rebellion towards God. The devil in his promised land as the bright morning star rebelled and was thrown out of heaven. The tendency of disobeying God is very high when you have obtained the promise. Our Highest form of worship to God is obedience to God at all times. Romans 12:1 I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service.

The same caution Moses gave to Isreal when he was exiting, Joshua also gave to them when he was leaving the scene. When you get into your promise there will always be two options to serve God or the devil. Is not a mass decision. It is very personal and individualistic. Joshua and all the people of Israel had obtained the promise but he said, I know the one who brought me here and I have made up my mind to serve Him only. After you have obtained the promise whether is your ministry, health, finance, marriage, education, business or whatever, your greatest test will be your commitment to God and His service. Like Joshua choose to serve the Lord and it shall be well with you

Prayer: Father forgive me for failing to honour you when I arrived in my promised land, have mercy on me. Today I make a U-turn to be committed to you and to serve you only in Jesus' name. Amen

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  1. Father establish the grace to serve you upon our childrens children in Jesus's name

  2. Oh Heavenly Father we ask for Your Mercies at every stage of our lives. Amen 🙌


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