Joshua 11:17 -18 The Israelite territory now extended all the way from Mount Halak, which leads up to Seir in the south, as far north as Baal-gad at the foot of Mount Hermon in the valley of Lebanon. Joshua killed all the kings of those territories, waging war for a long time to accomplish this.

The Christian journey is not a sprint to be accomplished within a few seconds. It is a long journey which cannot be compared to a marathon or cross country because these races end but the Christian journey is a lifetime race that ends at the point of death. 2 Timothy 4:6-7 For I am already being poured out as a drink offering, and the time of my departure is at hand. I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.

The Bible made it clear that Joshua accomplished his victories over kings and won territories for the people of Israel because He waged a long war. The status quo has not changed. Jesus Christ lived thirty-three years on earth fighting all forms of battle till it eventually ended on the cross. In the kingdom we don't run sprints, we run till we enter eternity.  Beloved be patient with yourself, endure and celebrate each milestone you accomplish.

The people of Isreal were promised the land of Canaan a geographical space within the world yet it took a long war to take territories. In Christ Jesus, we have been asked to go to all nations to impact them with the gospel. The territory given to us is wider than the territory in the days of Joshua. Arise and be battle ready for a long war to possess the nations for Lord.

Prayer: Holy Spirit strengthen me and empower me to run my race in life and to finish and bring glory to your Holy name. Amen.

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