Joshua 19:49-50 After all the land was divided among the tribes, the Israelites gave a piece of land to Joshua as his allocation. For the Lord had said he could have any town he wanted. He chose Timnath-Serah in the hill country of Ephraim. He rebuilt the town and lived there.

Joshua the successor of Moses led Israel into the promised land through many wars and battles. In all that he was doing his greatest interest was to ensure each tribe in Israel gets their portion of the land. He lived his life waging wars, endangering himself so that the people of God will get their inheritance. He did this for many years selflessly. Joshua 11:17-18 From Mount Halak and the ascent to Seir, even as far as Baal Gad in the Valley of Lebanon below Mount Hermon. He captured all their kings, struck them down and killed them. Joshua made war a long time with all those kings.

This is God's model and standard of leadership. Leadership is about the well-being of people first. Any leader who rises at the expense of the failure of the people or his followers is a failed leader. Jesus Christ had to come to die for the salvation of humanity before He could be given a name above every other name. Philippians 2:8 And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient to the point of death, even the death of the cross. Therefore God also has highly exalted Him and given Him the name which is above every name.

A leader does not deserve any credit, title or honour when his people are failing. Today God's standard of leadership has been put aside and leaders have become lords suppressing the people and amassing the inheritance and goodies for themselves only at the detriment of the people especially with African leaders. More shameful this cancer has entered into the church - the body of Christ. Where some Head shepherds have become beasts devouring the feeble sheep of their inheritance.

What most people forget is that the call of leadership is because of the people. The people have not been called for you but you have been called for them. It was the people who gave to Joshua a portion of their inheritance and not him asking or taking from them by force. The people may not appreciate you and give just a piece but After you have served the people well God will serve you with anything you want. Joshua 19:50 For the lord had said he could have any town he wanted. He chose Timnath-Serah in the hill country of Ephraim. He rebuilt the town and lived there. Which one do you prefer as a leader stealing from the people or God giving you what you want? Make a wise decision and become a great leader in your days.

Prayer: Father thank you for the call to lead. Holy Spirit strip me of any selfish and evil ambition that corrupts the heart of leaders and give me the Spirit of Christ to lead and to ensure the people get their inheritance in Jesus' name. Amen.

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