Hebrews 11:1-2 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. For by it the elders obtained a good report.

Good reports are obtained as people heed to directives and instructions given by their leaders. For us as believers what gives us good reports is our ability to act in faith. Naturally, as humans, you exhibit some level of faith when you put your confidence in drivers, pilots, cars, and stuff we have not known or used before but believe will work out. The God Kind of faith is believing the invisible for the visible manifestation. No one came to God with anything all they had was faith, God's spoken word that is yet to manifest. And surely these words manifested. The greatest example of all time is Jesus Christ. He had to exhibit great faith when he was sent down to earth to save humanity. He did not come with souls from Heaven. By the time he had completed His assignment and was leaving He had only eleven followers. Yet because of His faith in His Father Jesus Christ has over a billion followers now. Hallelujah, Glory to God. By faith, you can also obtain a good report. Daily names are being registered in heaven's hall of fame because of faith. Today you also rise obey the spoken word of God and obtain a good report that many will come and hear, read, and be motivated to walk in faith.

Prayer: Lord Jesus Christ, increase my faith, may my faith life bring great glory to you here on earth in your Holy name. Amen.

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The Lady Evangelist Kim


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