Romans 5:6 You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly.

Are you powerful or powerless? What makes you think you are powerful or powerless? Those who are powerful are full of power and those who are powerless have less power. In our world today power has been relegated to political powers, money lords, celebrities, drug barons, gangsters, slay queens, arm robbers, etc and we call them powerful. Sinful people are seen as powerful while the righteous are labeled as weak. Sin renders us powerless but righteousness through Christ Jesus makes us powerful. Let look at few instances where sin rendered humanity powerless. In the beginning, Adam could talk, walk and play with wild beasts such as lions, tigers, bears, foxes, etc, without them harming him. But when he came into contact with sin he was rendered powerless. He fled from animals he once named and fed. A man full of power became powerless. What of Sampson the sin of loving strange women made the ended his life in a miserable way; he died in the land of his enemies with his eyes scooped out. What of treasure Judas Iscariot the sin of greed and love of money made him commit suicide. Sin does not make anyone powerful. Men who were powerful like Daniel leaned on the righteousness of God that in fire and in the den of the lion they survived. This is what it means to be powerful. Joseph seemed weak when he fled from having sexual affair with his maters wife but in the end, he gained power with God and become a powerful man in Egypt. Beloved never assume you are powerful in your sinful state. You are very powerless, you need the righteousness of God to be powerful. Now is the time of righteousness. Christ will make you powerful.

Prayer: Lord Jesus Christ I admit that my many sins have rendered me powerless. I plunge into the righteousness of Christ to be powerful and reign in life through Jesus Christ my Lord and Saviour. Amen

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The Lady Evangelist Kim


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