Ecclesiastes 12:1 "Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth, while the evil days come not, nor the years draw nigh when thou shalt say, I have no pleasure in them;"

Remember you are God’s property, so serve Him from the start of your years, not the end of your years, when service is very limited.

The earlier a person comes to the Lord, the fewer problems he, or she, will have. Sometimes, I believe it is easier for the youth to come to the Lord. 
My own personal view is that as soon as a person is aware of sin, he is old enough to consider Jesus as his Savior. For some, it is very early. Some people are old before they realize their need for a Savior. The age that you come is unimportant if you are sincere.

When a person comes to the Lord at an early age, the Lord helps him through those difficult years, when the lust of the flesh is so great. God left us a roadmap to get to heaven with. It is His Bible.

If we study the Bible, we have no difficulty in determining what is sin, and what is not. In our later years, it seems that the lusts connected with youth fade away. In each person's life, there is an end. We all grow old and die.

So, what's the better time to remember and know and serve your Creator than in the prime of your life? These are years of opportunity. Years of ability and strength. They’re easy years – compared to what’s to come in your life.

And we’re told what’s to come. Years that are evil – not in the sense of moral evil, but in the sense of difficulty. Years that will find you saying that you don’t have any pleasure in them. That’s what’s to come in this life for every one of us.

He’s been impressing upon us the vanity or emptiness of life on this earth – especially if you’re living without God and without concern for spiritual realities. And he’s addressed it from all angles. But now, as his last topic, he wants to focus on the end of this vain life and what it’s going to be like. And all this in order to impress on younger people that they need to enjoy the life that God has given them while they still can. They need to know and serve God while there’s still time.

Prayer: Precious Father, help me never to forget You, but always remember You in all my ways in Jesus' name. Amen

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The Lady Evangelist Kim


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