Isaiah 4:3 Those who are left in Zion, who remain in Jerusalem, will be called holy, all who are recorded among the living in Jerusalem.

Holiness marks the society where the Branch of the LORD reigns. You shall be called holy: in the days of the sinful daughters of Zion, they were called beautiful, they were called delicate, they were called attractive, they were called fashionable, and they were called sexy. But they were not called holy.

"Christ's holiness shall be both imputed and imparted unto them: He shall both expiate their sins and heal their natures, pay their debts, and give them a stock of grace and holiness so that men shall call them a 'holy people.'" 

 Everyone who is recorded: but in the days when the Branch of the LORD reigns, the distinguishing mark of all, including the daughters of Zion, is that they shall be called holy.
Holy does not mean "super-spiritual." It does not mean sinless perfection. It does not mean spiritually superior and obnoxious. It means a life, a heart, a mind, and a body that is genuinely separated unto the LORD. It is a life lived apart from the thinking and heart of this world, this flesh, and the devil, and lived apart to the LORD.

Remain in the presence of the Lord, let through faith the Lord dwell in your heart, be obedient to His Word and you will enjoy His goodness.

Prayer: Dear Lord, grant me the grace always to desire you much more than anything in my life, thank you for your words in Jesus name.

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The Lady Evangelist Kim


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